Solly - Dogs 4 Rescue


You can sponsor Solly from just £5 a month.

Solly is one of the most heartbreaking cases we have ever rescued.

Still too scared to be touched, years since his rescue, he was so badly treated in Romania that he will likely never be able to be rehomed.

Living here happily with his many friends, Solly gives the most beautiful happy wiggle when he sees you. He dances around as though wanting affection, smiling and wagging his whole body.

He will take treats from our hands and the dream is that one day he will let us give him loving strokes.

Sponsor Solly

When you sponsor a sanctuary dog, you are ensuring that they have everything they need for life, no matter what comes up – your monthly donations help pay for vet fees, good quality food, enrichment toys, grooming and for the dog’s general care and well being.
You will also receive bi-monthly updates on your chosen dog’s adventures, including pictures/video as a thank you for your continued support.

It’s just £5 a month to sponsor one of our sanctuary dogs, but if you wish to contribute more, we and the dogs would be incredibly grateful – thank you.

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