The Handicans on BBC Breakfast - Dogs 4 Rescue

The Handicans on BBC Breakfast

A couple of Dogs 4 Rescue residents were given five minutes of fame on national TV in April after their seaside exploits went viral.

The handicans went to Formby beach for their first experience of the seaside – and ended up sitting on the BBC Breakfast sofa just days later!

What an absolute joy it was watching them experience the sand and the sea – Bran, Lollipop, Odin, Clive and Laika had an absolute blast, racing along the beach and even taking a dip in the sea, flying the flag high for disabled dogs everywhere.

After seeing their video, BBC North West Tonight came to meet them and they featured on the regional news.

Then, amazingly, BBC Breakfast got in touch and invited Bran and Lollipop to join Emma on the famous red sofa.

The boys aren’t used to meeting new people and can be quite vocal but on the day they took it all in their stride and were as good as gold. 

Lollipop would have been off that sofa in a flash given half a chance and when we finished he made a dash of freedom and had Em chasing across the open plan office. His lust for life and curiosity is unstoppable.

You can watch their BBC breakfast appearance below.

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